
Make it Your Job

November 10th, 2011 (No Comments)

There’s a big difference between “that’s not my job” and “let’s see what we can do for you.”  In the second example, the customer feels you care.

Be Self-Aware

October 5th, 2011 (No Comments)

You have the power with your body language and tone of voice to convey respect to the other person…or not.  Use these non-verbal characteristics wisely.  Be self-aware.

Passive = Poor Customer Service

September 29th, 2011 (No Comments)

Passive people are generally poor at customer service.  Be active.  Anticipate.  Perceive.  Listen.  Act.  Respond quickly.  Adopt these characteristics of customer service stars.

Be Clear with the Customer

September 26th, 2011 (No Comments)

Since 40% of customer dissatisfaction is because an organization overpromised or didn’t meet the minimum expectations, be very specific when communicating with others what they should expect and by when.

Initiate the Bad News

September 23rd, 2011 (No Comments)

If you learn some bad news, share it with the customer before they find out by some other means and complain; it puts you in control of the conversation.

Confirm or Fear the Unknown

September 23rd, 2011 (No Comments)

Ask for customer feedback. Before ending conversations, ask “did that answer your question?” or “is this what you were expecting?” or “is there anything else I can do for you?”

Customers Will Give You a Break if…

September 23rd, 2011 (No Comments)

The more that people like you, trust you, and respect you, the more “slack” they’ll give you when something goes wrong.

Be a Great Listener

September 23rd, 2011 (No Comments)

98% of conversations end quicker if the employee listens well and establishes a rapport up front. Do more listening and less talking up front; it can save you time.

Let Them Vent

September 23rd, 2011 (No Comments)

To diffuse the upset customer, let them vent at first – don’t argue or interrupt; this lets them blow off steam and bring down their emotion.

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